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How is electricity generated from waste heat and geothermal energy using the Axtora Power Loop system?

Modern technologies, such as the Axtora Power Loop system, based on the ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle), enable the efficient conversion of waste heat and geothermal energy into electricity. The Axtora Power Loop system is an excellent solution for companies that not only want to save energy but also operate more ecologically by reducing CO2 emissions.

What is the ORC system?

The ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) is a technology for converting low-temperature waste heat into electrical energy. Instead of water, the Axtora Power Loop system uses an organic fluid with a much lower boiling point. This allows the heat recovery process to occur even at low temperatures, starting from 70°C, which would be impossible in traditional systems.

The process operates in three key stages:

  1. Heat collection – Waste heat from industrial processes or geothermal heat is transferred to the working fluid (organic liquid) in the ORC system.

  2. Conversion of heat into mechanical energy – Under the influence of heat, the organic liquid evaporates, driving a turbine that converts thermal energy into mechanical energy.

  3. Electricity generation – The turbine drives a generator that converts mechanical energy into electricity, ready to be used in an industrial facility or fed into the power grid.

Why use the Axtora Power Loop system?
The Axtora Power Loop system is an excellent solution for industrial companies generating waste heat. Thanks to advanced ORC technology, the heat recovery process becomes much more efficient and cost-effective. Heat that was previously lost can now be reused, allowing companies to:

  • Reduce energy-related operating costs,
  • Decrease CO2 emissions,
  • Increase energy efficiency.

The Axtora Power Loop can also be used in geothermal energy, where natural heat resources are converted into electricity.


The Axtora Power Loop system is an innovative solution that uses waste heat and geothermal energy to generate electricity. By utilizing ORC technology, it enables companies not only to save energy but also to operate in line with the principles of sustainable development, reducing CO2 emissions and lowering operational costs.

Also read:

Schedule a free consultation and see what we can do for your facility in terms of reducing energy costs, recovering waste heat and our other solutions. ->



  • Eine interessante Technologie, besonders angesichts des Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit. Ich bin überrascht, wie viel Wärme aus industriellen Prozessen zurückgewonnen und wie effizient sie genutzt werden kann.

    Jonas B
  • Bardzo ciekawy pomysł z tym systemem odzyskiwania ciepła. Nie zdawałam sobie sprawy, że można to przekształcić w energię elektryczną w tak efektywny sposób. Chyba muszę dowiedzieć się więcej o ORC.


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