Who is this course for?
The course is aimed primarily atentrepreneurs who want to optimize energy consumption in their buildings, reduce operating costs and adapt to the requirements resulting from new regulations regarding energy efficiency. This course will also be useful forowners of buildings and apartments who plan to rent or sell their properties. Regulations require that each building has up-to-date energy characteristics, therefore knowledge of thermal insulation and energy efficiency is essential. also necessary for individuals.
Course thematic scope:
Basics of Building Thermal Insulation
What is thermal insulation and what are its benefits?
The role of thermal insulation in improving the energy efficiency of a building.
Green Deal requirements and new regulations
An overview of the latest legal regulations related to the energy efficiency of buildings.
What standards must be met to obtain an energy performance certificate?
Energy characteristics of buildings
How to conduct an energy audit of a building?
How to obtain an energy performance certificate and what are the requirements?
Thermal insulation materials
An overview of the most important thermal insulation materials: mineral wool, polystyrene, polyurethane foams.
Advantages and disadvantages of individual materials and their applications.
Technologies supporting energy efficiency
Modern thermal insulation technologies supporting renewable energy sources (renewable energy sources).
How to combine thermal insulation with renewable energy installations to achieve optimal energy efficiency?
Roof, wall, and floor insulation
What are the best methods of insulating individual building elements?
Common insulation mistakes and how to avoid them.
Intelligent energy management systems
How can a BMS (Building Management System) support the effectiveness of a building's thermal insulation?
Monitoring and automation to optimize energy consumption.
Isolation and its impact on the environment
How does thermal insulation help reduce CO2 emissions?
Ecological insulating materials and their impact on the environment.
Costs and profitability of investing in thermal insulation
What are the costs of building thermal insulation?
Return on investment (ROI) analysis and available forms of financing.
Examples of thermal insulation implementations
Case studies: effective insulation of residential and commercial buildings.
Examples that show how insulation can help reduce energy bills.
Benefits of participating in the course:
- You will learnhow to effectively insulate a building to reduce energy costs
- You will learnhow to meet the new requirements regarding the energy efficiency of buildings.
- You will gain knowledgehow to improve the value of your property thanks to better energy efficiency
- You will learn about modern thermal insulation technologies that support sustainable development and the Green Deal.
- You will be able toprepare your building in accordance with the new energy efficiency regulationswhich will enable hassle-free rental or sale of real estate in accordance with the law.
- You will learn about the thermal insulation options for buildings, including methods that do not require the use of traditional insulating materials, such as polystyrene or mineral wool. We will present solutions in which it is enough to paint the walls with a special thermal insulation coating to achieve the desired effect. We will show you how do it in a simple and cheap way to improve the energy efficiency of the building without complicated work constructionch.

What does the course look like?
The course consists of several video recordings divided into thematic blocks, so you can learn at any time. In addition to the recordings, there isdetailed material available in PDFform, which containsadditional information, tips and educational materials for self-study. Participants will also have access to FAQ with frequently asked questions and practical advice, implementation examples and tools that will help in understanding issues related to thermal insulation. At the end of the course you can obtain a certificate of completion.
Why is it worth participating?
Adjustment to regulations: Thanks to the course, you will learn how to adapt your buildings to applicable energy standards, which is crucial when selling or renting real estate. The notary is obliged to check the energy performance certificate during the sale, and each newly concluded or extended lease agreement requires the preparation of such a certificate. The obligation to have an energy performance certificate results from regulations that have been in force since 2023.
Cost reduction: You will learn how to effectively reduce energy costs, which translates into financial savings.
Increase in property value: Improving energy efficiency increases the value of a building on the market, making it more attractive to potential buyers or tenants.
Support for the Green Deal: You will learn how your actions can impact the implementation of the Green Deal and environmental protection by reducing CO2 emissions.
Certificate of Completion
After completing the course, you can obtain a certificate confirming your knowledge in the field of building thermal insulation and energy efficiency. To receive the certificate, you must complete an assessment test after completing the course. The certificate can be useful both in business contacts and when selling or renting real estate, and can also be an advantage when applying for a job in companies renting or selling buildings, because it proves knowledge of current regulations and requirements regarding energy efficiency.
Consequences of not having an energy performance certificate
If the building owner does not have an energy performance certificate, a financial penalty may be imposed. In the event of sale, the notary is obliged to refuse to carry out the transaction without such a document. When renting, the lack of a certificate may result in the invalidation of the contract or sanctions from the relevant controlling authorities. Having a current certificate is therefore not only a legal obligation, but also a guarantee of transaction security.
How to sign up?
The course will be ready on November 30, 2024, but you can add it to your cart and pre-order it with a discount today. After purchasing, you will receive access to the course materials and support from experts who will answer any questions related to thermal insulation.
Also read:
- See all products and courses in our online store.
- Sign up for the "Energy Transformation in Poland" conference.
- Read more about the "Energy Transformation in Poland" conference.
- Earn money with us – Affiliate Program – earn money on referrals.